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Floorball at Kronstad DPS
15. September 2022 08:35

Now the new floorball training at Kronstad DPS has started more and there is a good crowd every time. Our competent trainers, Per Ivar and Øyvind, report a good atmosphere at training. Welcome you shall be!

Training has now finally returned after a longer break. Attendance at reception is at 12.15, and then everyone goes down to the changing rooms and gym together. Bring a water bottle and join us for training.

This is a supplement to the floorball training at Frøyahallen every Monday. Each week there are two training sessions in Indoor Bandy. At Kronstad DPS, we are located in the gymnasium in the basement. It's a small track, but that doesn't make it any less intense.

Floorball is an activity that is suitable for everyone of all ages, whether you only remember a little from the gym at school or have full control at the floorball club. It is played with several teams and there is a break with playing intervals.

Read 1 other news about Floorball:

Regular training sessions: | For activity: Floorball | |
Day and time: Monday Time: 14:30 to 16:00
Place: Frøyahallen at Melkeplassen
Address: Øvre Fyllingsveien 75, 5146 Bergen
Day and time: Wednesday Time: 12:30 to 14:00
Place: Frøyahallen at Melkeplassen
Address: Øvre Fyllingsveien 75, 5146 Bergen
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