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Strong victory for the Psychiatry Alliance in the Series for football!

26. October 2022 19:12

Read more about how the match went.

The Psychiatric Alliance's football team played a series match today, against Keolis. It was a good start with the "new" secret formation, where we led 2-0 with a lot of good play! Keolis came back and reduced it to 2-1 before we made it 3-1! From there on, Keolis followed us close behind. 3-1 turned into 3-3. We rolled up our sleeves and went full throttle! hard work and determination and, not least, team spirit! Made us run this ashore to a wonderful 6-4 win in the last game of the season! Super team!
Thanks to all the players and not least our fans who followed us every game for their efforts! Next season we will come back EVEN stronger!

Read 21 other news about Football:

Regular training sessions: | For activity: Football | |
Day and time: Tuesday Time: 12:30 to 14:00
Place: Krohnsminde Idrettsplass
Address: Fjøsangerveien 38B, 5054 Bergen
Day and time: Thursday Time: 12:30 to 14:00
Place: Varden kunstgress
Address: Varden Kunstgress, 5141 Bergen
Day and time: Saturday Time: 12:30 to 14:00
Place: Krohnsminde Idrettsplass
Address: Fjøsangerveien 38B, 5054 Bergen
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