12. June 2024
Now we can finally open Frisbeegolf again and we have found a suitable place in Fyllingsdalen.
Frisbee golf is almost like a walk in the woods and fields, only much more fun. During the round of 9 or 18 holes, there will be some waiting, and frisbee golf is therefore a good fit if you want an inclusive, social activity while also having a long, leisurely walk around the course.
The activity takes place at Lynghaugparken in Fyllingsdalen between 12:00 and 14:00. Meet us behind Rema 1000, by the football field.
We start up on Friday 21 June and will have Frisbee golf open every Friday for as long as the season lasts. All you have to do is turn up at 12 o'clock. You are welcome!