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Match with MBK

18. March 2024 14:34

Friday 08. March, Psykiatrialliansen played a match with MBK at Krohnsminde field. It was a sunny day, and a good time was had by both teams.

Psykiatrialliansen first scored two goals, but after a solid performance from the other team, it finished at 6-3. After the match, both teams had pizza, it was a great ending to a lovely day.

We look forward to many good matches and training in the future. You are very welcome to either participate in our training or be a spectator on the sideline, all are welcome always.

Read 21 other news about Football:

Regular training sessions: | For activity: Football | |
Day and time: Tuesday Time: 12:30 to 14:00
Place: Krohnsminde Idrettsplass
Address: Fjøsangerveien 38B, 5054 Bergen
Day and time: Thursday Time: 12:30 to 14:00
Place: Varden kunstgress
Address: Varden Kunstgress, 5141 Bergen
Day and time: Saturday Time: 12:30 to 14:00
Place: Krohnsminde Idrettsplass
Address: Fjøsangerveien 38B, 5054 Bergen
psykiatrialliansen.no © Psykiatrialliansen 2024
E-mail: post@psykiatrialliansen.no
Telephone: +47 451 13 754
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