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The Psychiatry Alliance on a visit to the Department for Addiction Medicine in Klokkarvik
[ 23. November 2022 ]
The Psychiatry Alliance has been on a trip to Klokkarvik to spread the important work of getting access to training services.
We have received funds for our paddling group
[ 22. November 2022 ]
The psychiatric trial alliance has received funding from SpareBank 1 SR-Bank in Bergen.
Bergen Whites supports the Psychiatry Alliance!
[ 20. November 2022 ]
Bergen Whites (Leeds supporters in Bergen) has been an important supporter of the Psychiatry Alliance for many years. In previous years, they have, among other things, held an auction for a signed Leeds kit, and a fundraising campaign has been carried out among the members, which has generated very good income for the Psychiatry Alliance.
Here is our new place for Friday yoga from December
[ 12. November 2022 ]
Yoga changes training location on Fridays. Get everything about the new place.
News about new and fairer registration for climbing
[ 09. November 2022 ]
Climbing on Wednesdays needs some driving rules so that even newcomers can try their hand.
Good attendance at Zumba!
[ 07. November 2022 ]
Come to Zumba with the Psychiatric Alliance.
Successful training contact course!
[ 07. November 2022 ]
Report from the training contact course at the end of October.
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