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Youth training on Thursday takes a break

30. June 2023 10:47

The youth training on Thursday takes a summer break until the month of July and returns on 3 August.


Hi all

The youth training, which takes place every Thursday with the psychiatry alliance at the Energy Center in Glassblockne in Haukeland, will take a summer break from today until the end of July. That means we will be back on Thursday 3 August. Having said that, youth training on Mondays will go on as normal throughout the summer.

Youth training

Social community, fun and mastery

At youth training, the spotlight is on play, fun and mastery in a social community with a safe environment. Here it is the young people who decide the activities and we have opportunities to exercise in the hall, swim in the swimming pool and use the climbing wall. There are regular trainers at the activity who are always ready to meet new and regular participants. The target group here is mainly young people aged 13 - 18.

What do you need?
Bring indoor shoes (shoes with clean soles) that you can use inside the training. Feel free to bring a water bottle.

Where will you meet?
Meet outside the entrance to the Energy Center in Glassblockne at Haukeland. Due to a lot of rebuilding, we understand that it can be difficult to find, so just contact us if you are looking for the way.

There is registration for youth training. There is no space limit, but we need to have an overview of how many young people come to training so that we can provide enough trainers so that everyone is met in a good way. Registration takes place via the website (https://www.psykiatrialliansen.no/paamelding.php) or send a message or call 45113754.

Read 1 other news about Youth training under 18 years old:

Regular training sessions: | For activity: Youth training under 18 years old | |
Day and time: Monday Time: 19:00 to 20:30
Place: Energisenteret: Haukeland sykehus
Address: Haukelandsbakken 15, 5021 Bergen
psykiatrialliansen.no © Psykiatrialliansen 2024
E-mail: post@psykiatrialliansen.no
Telephone: +47 451 13 754
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