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The short hike group has been on an overnight trip
Posted by: Lasse Hjelle
07. June 2023 05:59

For the first time last week we were able to invite the regular participants on our short Thursday hikes to an overnight trip.

Hike leaders Annelen and Andreas took the participants to Træet gård on Osterøy. This is a charming 100-year-old restored small farm, with an idyllic location in the forest. The cabin had no electricity or running water, and mobile phone coverage was poor, but it was nice to experience a calm cabin atmosphere. The tour guides took us on a fairly long mountain tour, in changing weather. Later it was time for canoeing, fishing and swimming, for those who wanted it. In the evening there was a barbecue in light rain. Many thanks to Annelen and Andreas for a beautifully organized trip, with very good feedback from the participants.

If anyone new wants to join this nice group on short trips in the future, all you have to do is meet at the railway station a little before 11am every Thursday.

Read 1 other news about Easy hike:

Regular training sessions: | For activity: Easy hike | |
Day and time: Thursday Time: 11:00 to 13:00
Place: Bergen Railway Station
Address: Strømgaten 4, 5015 Bergen
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