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Research project: 'Participants in the Psychiatry Alliance experience increased quality of life through taking part in training'

16. May 2023 21:19

The Psychiatry Alliance has had a research project underway that would try to map how the Psychiatry Alliance is experienced by those who go there and what impact the Psychiatry Alliance's training has on their lives. Read more and get some of the gist of the thorough research report.

The text below is taken from the Summary from the Report: Karlsson, Nesse and Borg: «Det er ingen terskel her»

[ Explanation: Psykiatrialliansen is abbreviated with PA below ]

This research project is anchored in the University of Southeast Norway (USN), Center for mental health and addiction (SFPR). The project manager is professor Bengt Karlsson and professor emerita Marit Borg. Project collaborators have been Linda Nesse, postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Drug and Addiction Research (SERAF), UiO, doctorate in public health science and psychology and senior lecturer Asbjørn Johannessen, Center for Seniors, OsloMet, Storbyuniversitetet. Dr. Alan Pringle at the University of Nottigham has participated in the development of the research work through his role as head of the international research group "The Bergen Group".

A steering group has followed the work and the group has consisted of members from the board of PA trainers and participants. In addition, there has been a co-researcher group of trainers and participants Karlsson, Nesse and Borg: "There is no threshold here" with lived experiences in mental health and/or drug addiction. The co-researcher group met physically on two occasions and two video-recorded meetings were used during the project period. Many participants in PA with different experiences have taken part in the research process.

The project has consisted of a qualitative study in the form of focus group interviews and individual interviews with participants and trainers in PA. A quantitative cross-sectional survey was also carried out using questionnaires on meaningful activity, citizenship and quality of life.

The objective of the study is to develop research-based knowledge about how participation in meaningful activities, in PA, can strengthen experiences of citizenship and quality of life for people who experience challenges related to mental health and substance abuse.

The following research questions are elucidated:
- How is participation in various activities in PA experienced and described for trainers and participants?
- How and which factors are described as contributing to giving meaning, citizenship and quality of life through participation in the activity offerings of PA for trainers and participants?
- In what ways is meaningful activity and citizenship related to quality of life?
- How is identity change experienced and described through participation in meaningful activities and how is this put in context with Recovery?
- In what way are PA activity offers organized to make use of the experiential skills of trainers and participants as well as in the organisation's board?

Conclusions and recommendations
• The participants are very satisfied with their participation in PA, they thrive and experience a safe community.
• The participants feel that the activities in PA are meaningful in that they provide an increased quality of life and strengthened experiences of citizenship.
• The importance of participants not having to identify themselves with anything other than their name.
• The participants experience an increased quality of life as the activities take place locally in various places in Bergen.
• Through participation in the activities, new relationships are formed and developed - if the participants want it.
• Participation in the activities is relationship-building and relationship-widening through camaraderie and humanity.
• Participation in the activities gives increased commitment which gives increased experiences of belonging and identity development.
• PA gives the opportunity to be both a participant and trainer. This is highlighted as important. The trainers are described as well qualified. They inspire and see every single participant.
• Everyone who participates, as well as PA as an organisation, practices and realizes the slogan: "Everyone is welcome - always!". An offer without a "threshold".
• There is great reason to believe that PA contributes to relieving public health, social and welfare services both financially and in terms of capacity.

In short: The participants in the studies experience a better life through increased quality of life,
commitment, participation and improved physical and mental health.

Source: Summary of the report:
'Karlsson, Nesse og Borg: «Det er ingen terskel her»'

If you want to read more or go more in-depth in the research report, you can see it here in its entirety under the link:

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