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Psykiatrialliansen i ny sesong i Bedriftserien i fotball

03. May 2023 10:53

Yesterday (May 2) the Series in football started again. New season and new opportunities.

Right at the end of last season, Robert and Henrik found out that we should run a new formation which is 2-3-1 with a slightly defensive approach. A formation that will make us hard to break down and that requires an enormous willingness to work and run.

We started the match yesterday with this formation against UBIL. It was an even first half where we had several great chances and the others also had some good chances, but we had a great goalkeeper in the goal and a team that worked hard defensively. In that sense, our team play and formation worked exactly as we wanted. After about 15 minutes into the first half, we put Daniel in as striker, something he has never played before and after a minute of playing time for Daniel, he scores the 1-0 goal! Fantastic team performance and pretty good tactical decision by Robert who is our coach on the team.

We play fantastically for the rest of the first half, but minutes before the half is over, the opponent manages to score a rather lucky goal and then the score is 1 - 1 at half-time.

After the break, we continue and we play very solid in the defensive game and our pressure is good. We create a number of chances which we are unlucky not to take. The team works and runs and communicates well with each other. We can use it for anyone and everyone on the team. BANG! 15 minutes into the second half, the opponent scores the 2-1 goal, which also becomes the final result. That's how football is sometimes. We could have just as easily won that game, very strong performance from everyone and I would say even though we lost, everyone was very happy with the game and there was a good atmosphere.

Then we have to say thank you to everyone who lined up as players and helpers and supporters. It is quite clear that we are the ones who make the most noise in Vestlandshallen.

Read 21 other news about Football:

Regular training sessions: | For activity: Football | |
Day and time: Tuesday Time: 12:30 to 14:00
Place: Krohnsminde Idrettsplass
Address: Fjøsangerveien 38B, 5054 Bergen
Day and time: Thursday Time: 12:30 to 14:00
Place: Varden kunstgress
Address: Varden Kunstgress, 5141 Bergen
Day and time: Saturday Time: 12:30 to 14:00
Place: Krohnsminde Idrettsplass
Address: Fjøsangerveien 38B, 5054 Bergen
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