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Training contact course 2022

07. October 2022 19:30

The Psychiatry Alliance is conducting its sixth trainer contact course 21-23. October

It is now time for the Psychiatry Alliance's sixth training contact course, which will be held at Kronstad DPS 21-23. October. The course qualifies the participants to become trainers for activities in the Psychiatry Alliance, and to be able to be assigned as training contacts via Bergen Municipality. There will be both theoretical and practical exercises throughout the weekend, with a total of approximately 20 hours of teaching.

The program for the course over the weekend:

Friday 21 October
Course at 17:00-20:00
Per and Lasse go through the course, the Psychiatry Alliance with our values ​​and way of holding training. Among other things, there will be information about cognitive therapy and mental disorders. Our own trainer Cecilie comes to conduct a yoga session at the end of the evening.

Saturday 22 October
Course at 10.00-17.00. Lunch will be served during the course.
Benedikte from youth training reviews the theory and practice of training and we bring in a speaker with a presentation on diet and nutrition. Per and Lasse spend the rest of the day reviewing several important topics within mental health, physical activity and the role of coach. There will be a session of physical activity at the end of the day.

Sunday 23 October
Course from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Lunch will be served during the course.
Per and Lasse review several important topics and there will be plenty of time for discussion and questions that must arise along the way. Our trainer Therese comes by to conduct a Zumba session. Eirik Gundersen comes from Health Bergen to teach the first aid part of the course. There will be practical and theoretical exercises.

A diploma will be awarded to all participants for completed courses. The course is run by the Psychiatry Alliance and is free for all participants.

If you have any questions, just contact us by email post@psykiatrialliansen.no or telephone 45113754.

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E-mail: post@psykiatrialliansen.no
Telephone: +47 451 13 754
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