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We have received funds for our paddling group

22. November 2022 17:13

The psychiatric trial alliance has received funding from SpareBank 1 SR-Bank in Bergen.

Today, Hans Ove and Lasse from the Psychiatry Alliance paid a pleasant visit to SpareBank 1 SR-Bank in Bergen. We have now been lucky enough to receive a gift of NOK 15,000 from the SR Foundation, which will be used to purchase equipment for our paddling group.

Thank you very much! We are very grateful for the nice gift, and can't wait to start kayaking in the Psychiatric Alliance again in the spring.

Read 5 other news about Kayaking:

Regular training sessions: | For activity: Kayaking | |
Day and time: Monday Time: 11:00 to 15:00
Place: Fana Roklubb
Address: Straumeveien 18, 5152 Bønes
psykiatrialliansen.no © Psykiatrialliansen 2024
E-mail: post@psykiatrialliansen.no
Telephone: +47 451 13 754
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