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Report from match day 4 in the Dream Euro Cup

27. September 2024 21:27

Here is a report from the fourth match day in the Dream Euro Cup 2024, Futsal EC in Rome.

After the boring loss against England in the previous match, there was a need to make some small corrections in the Norwegian team before the match against Croatia.

The team management now invested in building the team around our most experienced players: Per Nilsen, Pål Hafstad Thorsen and Lasse Hjelle. This quickly proved to be a stroke of genius from the team management.

Norway took command early on in the match, where Pål in particular stood out quickly with several good offensive runs. But Croatia is a strong football nation, and this time the Croatian team was additionally reinforced with our two top players Hans and Jan Ove. (For the occasion, they were given the Croatian names Ante and Josip.) The Norwegian team nevertheless quickly took the lead, and continued the great game throughout the match. Towards the end, the two running machines Per and Lasse each scored a lovely goal, setting the final score at Norway-Croatia 8-2.

After the match, our players incredibly had even more energy, so we played a short friendly against Iceland, which ended 0-0.

Congratulations to the entire Norwegian national team for a brilliant effort!

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