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Report after the first day of the Euro Dream Cup

23. September 2024 20:43

Here is a report from the first match day in the Dream Euro Cup 2024 / Futsal EC in Rome.

It was a nice opening ceremony for the 12 participating countries, and very solemn and atmospheric with the playing of the national anthems before the start of the match.

Norway, represented by Psykiatrialliansen, met Italy in the opening match, in front of a loud home crowd. Everyone on our team fought well, but it eventually became difficult against a good Italian team who are also the reigning world champions. The final result was unfortunately a 0-8 loss.

We are still in good spirits and are aiming to come back strong tomorrow against Finland.

Hurra for Psykiatrialliansen and for Norway!

Read 21 other news about Football:

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Day and time: Tuesday Time: 12:30 to 14:00
Place: Krohnsminde Idrettsplass
Address: Fjøsangerveien 38B, 5054 Bergen
Day and time: Thursday Time: 12:30 to 14:00
Place: Varden kunstgress
Address: Varden Kunstgress, 5141 Bergen
Day and time: Saturday Time: 12:30 to 14:00
Place: Krohnsminde Idrettsplass
Address: Fjøsangerveien 38B, 5054 Bergen
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