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Out on a hike!
Posted by: Henrik
31. January 2024 14:13

Join us on a hike.

There is a hike on both Wednesday and Thursday. Remember to dress according to the weather!
On Wednesday there is a hike from Fyllingsdalen / Nr1 Fitness Fyllingsdalen at 1.15 pm (please meet a little earlier). Wednesday's hike is a nice and good hike in the vicinity of Fyllingsdalen, and the hike will be adapted so that everyone can join in and enjoy themselves.

The Thursday hikes depart from Bergen Centre, there is a meeting at Bergen Railway Station at 10.45, and the tours start at 11.00. Here you can choose between a long or a short hike.

Long hike will last from 11:00 to about 15:00.
Short hike will last from 11:00 to about 13:00.

Would recommend bringing some food and drink, as we will be taking a short lunch break on the way. Walking is excellent exercise no matter what shape you are in, so feel free to join us to get out and socialize with us.

With us, all our activities are for absolutely everyone and completely free!
If you want to know more about us, follow us on Facebook, Instagram and our website www.psykiatrialliansen.no

Regular training sessions: | For activity: Hiking - Wednesday | |
Day and time: Wednesday Time: 13:15 to 15:15
Place: MOVA Fyllingsdalen
Address: Løvåsveien 20, 5145 Fyllingsdalen
psykiatrialliansen.no © Psykiatrialliansen 2024
E-mail: post@psykiatrialliansen.no
Telephone: +47 451 13 754
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