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Changes and greetings from the office for Floorball
18. March 2024 14:47
The floorball training on Wednesday 20 March has been moved to 11.00-12.30. We are back as normal from week 13.

Everyone is welcome, Always!
Activity | Floorball
23. January 2024 00:05
Remember that floorball on Wednesdays has changed place to Frøyahallen at Melkeplassen. It's the same place as floorball on Mondays.
Activity | Floorball
02. January 2024 23:30
It's floorball to times a week. Remember floorball on Kronstad DPS, 3. january at 12:30.
Activity | Floorball
08. September 2023 17:50
On Monday 11 September, indoor bandy is unfortunately canceled due to the fact that Frøyahallen is occupied and will be used in connection with the election.

This activity is back as normal in Frøyahallen on 18 September.
Activity | Floorball
27. July 2023 20:36
Frøyahallen, where we have floorball, will be closed on Monday 31 July. But for those who wish, we play football on the field next to Frøyahallen instead, at the same time and place as floorball on Monday.
Activity | Floorball
22. June 2023 09:26
The floorball is also unfortunately canceled on Monday, 26.06.23. i.e. week 26. This is because the frøyahallen is closed.
Activity | Floorball
14. May 2023 08:13
NB: New time for floorball on Wednesday 17 May. There is training in the Gymnasium at Kronstad DPS from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on National Day.
Activity | Floorball