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Weight training
Social, variety, at your own tempo

Our weight training takes place at Next gym at Nygårdsgaten 94. This is a newly renovated small and quiet training centre, with all the equipment you need for Strength training with weights. Our trainers will wait outside and let everyone in. This is not a group class, but individual training together with the other participants.

There are three changing rooms at Next, with showers and toilets. There are lockers there for your personal items, but you have to bring your own padlock.

Next training centre has machines, free weights, cardio equipment and other training devices available. You can train however you want to, and if you need guidance, a training program or have questions, our trainers are ready to help you. You can train for as long as you like to within our given timeslot.

What do you need?
Bring indoor shoes with clean soles, and a water bottle. You will need to bring a padlock if you want to lock in your personal items.

Where will you meet?
Meet outside the Next gym in Nygårdsgaten 94. Our trainers will meet you there, and we all go in together.

Training group: Strength

Last messages for Weight training:
11. May 2024 22:25
On 17 May there will be no Weight training. We will be back again the following Friday.

2 news articles about Weight training:

Weekly training sessions:
Day and time: Monday at 12:30 to 14:30
Next Monday-exercise: 15. July 2024
Place: Next Gym
Address: Nygårdsgaten 94, 5054 Bergen
Meet outside the Next gym in Nygårdsgaten 94. It is near Bunnpris.
Day and time: Friday at 12:30 to 14:30
Next Friday-exercise: 12. July 2024
Place: Next Gym
Address: Nygårdsgaten 94, 5054 Bergen
Meet outside the Next gym in Nygårdsgaten 94. It is near Bunnpris.
Trainers / Volunteer:
Kristine er fast trener på styrketrening og buldring. Du møter henne også ofte som vikar på flere av de andre aktivitetene våre. Kristine møter deg med et smil og et rolig vesen som skaper en god atmosfære på trening.
Oda er fast trener på styrketreningen og joggingen. Hun møter deg med et vennlig smil og er en allsidig trener som er god på å veilede deg i treningen.
Kristin er en supersporty og dyktig svømmer som er en av våre instruktører på utesvømmingen. Hun har en tidligere karriere i undervannsrugby og med henne i nærheten kan du garantert føle deg trygg. Kristin bader hele året om muligheten er der! Som Kristin selv sier det; for henne er det ekstreme det komfortable. Hun har også gått Norge på langs for å fremme psykisk helse.
psykiatrialliansen.no © Psykiatrialliansen 2024
E-mail: post@psykiatrialliansen.no
Telephone: +47 451 13 754
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