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Advanced hike
Social community, hike, nature experience

Advanced hike lasts several hours and it is therefore important that you bring a water bottle, a lunch and not have too much time later in the day. Dress for the weather and wear good shoes. This tour goes up in the city mountains and in terrain. The pace is adapted to the participants and everyone is welcome. Nevertheless, we recommend that you are in good shape to be able to walk at a leisurely pace up a slightly steeper hill and can walk for a longer period of time to participate in long-distance hikes.

We may travel some distance to go for a walk, for example on the peaks in Arna or Åsane. Then we take a bus or local train together, Psykiatrialliansen pays the ticket. Sometimes trips are organized some distance from Bergen. The tour group will be informed about this in advance and on the Facebook page of Psykiatrialliansen.

What do you need?
Dress according to the weather. The trip goes off-road, so wear shoes that can withstand mud or that can be washed. There is a break with the opportunity to eat lunch during the trip. Bring a water bottle and some food if you wish.

Where will you meet?
Meet inside the Railway Station. Short- and long-distance meets at the same time, so you are welcome to see the group of trainers when you arrive. Both groups depart from the railway station at the start time and it is therefore important that you arrive in good time, preferably ten minutes before.

Training group: Nature and movement

Last messages for Advanced hike:
No messages or changes for this activity last 3 months.

1 news article about Advanced hike:

Weekly training sessions:
Day and time: Thursday at 11:00 to 15:00
Next Thursday-exercise: 11. July 2024
Place: Bergen Railway Station
Address: Strømgaten 4, 5015 Bergen
Trainers / Volunteer:
Kjersti is always smiling, happy and full of energy. Kjersti takes part in several of our training offers, so you will meet her in several places if you take part in activities with us.

Kjersti always sets up the strength training so that it is adapted to the participants.
Reidun is regularly on the tour group on Wednesdays and on long-distance tours on Thursdays. She can also most often be found at strength training on Wednesdays.

Reidun is a calm and cozy woman who always has a smile on her face, and likes to have her knitting in her bag!
psykiatrialliansen.no © Psykiatrialliansen 2024
E-mail: post@psykiatrialliansen.no
Telephone: +47 451 13 754
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